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Home Oxygen & Aerosol Therapy Oxygen Therapy Nasal cannulae Sentri™ ETCO2 nasal cannulae


Sentri is available as an adult Intersurgical EcoLite™ mask and in three sizes of nasal cannula. Both permit the sampling of exhaled carbon dioxide in non-intubated patients during the administration of supplementary oxygen.

By delivering oxygen through one prong and sampling exhaled gas from the other, the nasal cannula can provide end tidal values comparable to those achieved with intubated patients. Nasal cannula may be more appropriate for paediatric patients when high oxygen flows may “dilute” the CO2 sample and give a low (or no) value. A facemask may be more appropriate when the nares are occluded or obstructed.


Sentri Range of ETCO2 Monitoring Products information sheet (Issue 7)


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